
Tag: 2-D animation

Benefits of running in a pack

By nature, most artists aren’t built to be pack animals. They tend to prefer seclusion and autonomy over team-building activities with peers. Most artists are…

Adobe Offsetting: February 2014

For February, I decided to do something a little new and donate to a device instead of software. Why not? Anything that makes me a…

Adobe Offsetting: December 2013

Waking up this Christmas morning, I have one task—a monthly donation as part of my monthly anti-Adobe commitment. With the emergence of the Creative Cloud,…

A significant Synfig setback

Did you ever do something stupid like drive your car for two weeks with the emergency brake on without realizing it, resulting in a damaged…

Adobe Offsetting: November 2013

This is the first of my monthly donations to open-source initiatives and software in lieu of a monthly payment for to Adobe. I’m sorry if…

New gender roles in cartoons

Some may say it’s the sign of the times, but there seems to be a conscience effort to create truly original characters in the animated…

Misty available for switch layers

Synfig now has the capability of creating switch layers. If you’ve never heard of switch layers before, it’s great for cut-out characters. The gist is…

New feet and hands for Misty

Today I made some headway and was able to finish Misty’s hand positions for her front view. I think that I’ll be able to reuse…

Clothing Ideas for Misty

In between working on Misty’s new feet and poses over the past weekend. I started trying out different clothing options for Misty. The cover up…

Understanding Z Depth in Synfig

It’s been a while since writing an entry or working in Synfig, and now I’m back doing both. I missed using Synfig over the past…

Love Interest for Misty

Stanly Cumberbun is the new character on the block So with all the work  on Misty, I thought that I can’t be the only man…

Test Lip-Sync

Giving Misty a voice Yesterday morning I thought it would be fun to test the mouths that I recently created for Misty. I tried to…

Charting a Path

Progress! So Misty is finally getting her facial expressions together. I still need to work on the body, hand and feet charts, but she’s getting…

Misty Turns the Other Cheek

After spending the past week working on how to make libraries in Synfig, I finally was able to start working on all the different body…

Synfig: Library How-To

Working with libraries Understanding libraries was pretty easy so far thanks to Ricardo Graça and Quadro Chave. I can’t thank them enough for everything they’ve…

Synfig on a Mac?

Chocolate in My Peanut Butter! Okay, for the past few years I’ve been trying to learn Synfig in fits and spurts—working on my wonderful Ubuntu…

Synfig and Advanced Outlines

New and Improved This is a product innovation that can be described as “new and improved.” For anyone who has ever longed for easily creating…

Gitting New Things Daily

Today I downloaded files from Lungching that he created illustrating Synfig libraries. They were a great help for me and I highly encourage those of…

Synfig How To: Bones Trick for Cut-Out Character

Quadro Chave is the Bomb! Quadro Chave’s nice enough to have their Synfig discoveries online on Vimeo. While watching their videos, I picked up a…

More Terminology

Hi there. I included a blurb under my terminology post because I was totally lost while reading the Synfig wiki and running into the term…

Synfig How To: Making a Cut-Out Character

I compiled these notes from the cut-out tutorial on the tutorial page for Synfig. They use an imported png images in order to create a…

Thumbalina: My Cut-Out Character for Synfig

Today I reviewed how to create a cut-out character for Synfig and created Thumbalina to explain the process. In the next couple days I’ll be…

Synfig Terminology

Words Words Words Learning the “language” of a software program is the cornerstone for comprehension. Once you can language through a process, it helps with…

Notes for Cut-Out Animation Step-by-Step

I actually found these notes I created in 2010 for creating a cut-out character taken from the tutorial on the Synfig site. I’ll read and…

Excited About New Sketches

I’m nervous about relearning Synfig. I know that it probably won’t take long to get back up to speed, but I know how much time…

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