
Category: Graphic Design

Goodbye Photoshop, hello Gimp

April is a month of change. Filing taxes finally puts 2013 to rest; trees are beginning to bud; and it’s a time to start taking…

Adobe Offsetting: March 2014

This month I gave to The Gooseberry Project which is an initiative coordinated through the Blender community to bring the world’s best talent together to create…

Anime Studio 360

For the past year I’ve been re-dabbling with Anime Studio. I’ve used Anime Studio since way back in 2003 when it was called Moho. For…

Adobe Offsetting: January 2014

I’m right at the wire, but I got my donation in for January. I ultimately decided to give money to Inkscape™. It’s one of the best…

Inkpad is a free Illustrator on-the-go

There are many art apps in the iPad store. Lots of them are great beginnings, but they’re either gimmicky or you can’t figure out how…

Adobe Offsetting: December 2013

Waking up this Christmas morning, I have one task—a monthly donation as part of my monthly anti-Adobe commitment. With the emergence of the Creative Cloud,…

A significant Synfig setback

Did you ever do something stupid like drive your car for two weeks with the emergency brake on without realizing it, resulting in a damaged…

Animation Desk

There are some terrific apps made for the iPad and Android tablets. Many software companies aren’t rushing to create viable software options on tablets for…

Mischief maker

A great friend and unstoppable artist, Heather Larkin, was G-chatting with me on Wednesday and mentioned new drawing software for the Mac and PC called…

Donating to open source is donating to your future

The best incentive for giving is getting something in return. In the past year there has been a real surge around open-source software development. Sites…

Sometimes photoshop IS a verb

Recently I was given the task of creating a conceptual representation of microglia. Microglia are like little obsessive cleaners and guardians in your brain. They…

New gender roles in cartoons

Some may say it’s the sign of the times, but there seems to be a conscience effort to create truly original characters in the animated…

Drawing for Maggie

A close and wonderful friend is starting her first Etsy site and it was my pleasure to help her out and create some illustrations and…

Never Boring with Bohr

Recently, I’ve been busy doing illustration work for my day job at Science News and for friends and their pet projects. All-in-all it’s been a…

New feet and hands for Misty

Today I made some headway and was able to finish Misty’s hand positions for her front view. I think that I’ll be able to reuse…

Clothing Ideas for Misty

In between working on Misty’s new feet and poses over the past weekend. I started trying out different clothing options for Misty. The cover up…

Misty and MyPaint

While I was working on all of Misty’s different poses in Synfig, I got sidetracked and started playing in a sweet open source painting program…

Amnon and Tamar: Day Three

Last month I went to the National Gallery of Art for the third day of painting Amnon and Tamar. By the end of the session…

Amnon and Tamar: Part II

Today I had the afternoon off, so I thought I would go down to the National Gallery and spend a couple of hours working on…

iPad+ArtRage+Diet Coke

A friend wanted me to paint this advertisement for Diet Coke. They did new limited edition packaging geared towards women with an ad campaign that…

New Character & ArtRage Script Error

Starting from a doodle This little guy was created out of being bored yesterday. I don’t know if I’d use him for anything, but it…

Amnon and Tamar—iPad+ArtRage

Painting at the National Gallery Today I had lunch with my friend Denis who works at the National Gallery. After we were done with lunch,…

Love Interest for Misty

Stanly Cumberbun is the new character on the block So with all the work  on Misty, I thought that I can’t be the only man…

New Character Design

Misty needs a nemesis—enter Kitty Nikkers While I’ve been working on the different mouth charts for Misty—which I need to post—I started to think of…

Misty Turns the Other Cheek

After spending the past week working on how to make libraries in Synfig, I finally was able to start working on all the different body…

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