
Category: Animation

Major companies make their software free for everyone

  In March, both Google and Dwango announced they would free software collections by the end of the month. These industry giants decided to make their software free…

Adobe Offsetting: August 2015

I decided to post August’s Adobe Offsetting a week early since I was able to take advantage of Blender’s special discount for the Cosmos Laundromat…

Adobe Offsetting: June 2015

Anime Studio always surprises users with fantastic new features. From their 3D approach to vector drafting and ground-breaking introduction of smart bones, Anime Studio has shown consistent…


For a little over a year, I’ve been learning how to create 3D models in Blender. One of the largest benefits of using Blender is…

A year of subscribing to Blender Cloud

A year ago I began my membership with Blender Cloud. In March 2014, Blender announced Project Gooseberry—a crowd source funding endeavor for a feature-length film. As…

3D printing + Blender = fancy DIY bike camera

Yesterday I hopped out of bed with purpose. I was getting up early to test my new bike camera. In the past couple weeks, I’ve…

Adobe Offsetting: August 2014

It was difficult to come up with what to support for this month. Do I find another software to support? Do I spend time looking…

60 days with Blender

What can I say other than that Blender is an amazing tool. As I’ve learned more and more about the software over the past 60…

Adobe Offsetting: April 2014

This will be a short and sweet post for this month’s Adobe Offsetting. For the second month in a row, I decided to back Project…

Fridays with Ricardo

A couple of weeks ago I saw an advertisement for an event on Google Plus. It was for an animation workshop using open-source software presented…

Adobe Offsetting: March 2014

This month I gave to The Gooseberry Project which is an initiative coordinated through the Blender community to bring the world’s best talent together to create…

Anime Studio 360

For the past year I’ve been re-dabbling with Anime Studio. I’ve used Anime Studio since way back in 2003 when it was called Moho. For…

A significant Synfig setback

Did you ever do something stupid like drive your car for two weeks with the emergency brake on without realizing it, resulting in a damaged…

Misty available for switch layers

Synfig now has the capability of creating switch layers. If you’ve never heard of switch layers before, it’s great for cut-out characters. The gist is…

New feet and hands for Misty

Today I made some headway and was able to finish Misty’s hand positions for her front view. I think that I’ll be able to reuse…

Using GIT for Misty

I was introduced to GIT over a year ago by a fellow Synfig user and programmer extraordinaire, Lungching. Last week he demoed the benefits of…

Clothing Ideas for Misty

In between working on Misty’s new feet and poses over the past weekend. I started trying out different clothing options for Misty. The cover up…

Misty and MyPaint

While I was working on all of Misty’s different poses in Synfig, I got sidetracked and started playing in a sweet open source painting program…

Understanding Z Depth in Synfig

It’s been a while since writing an entry or working in Synfig, and now I’m back doing both. I missed using Synfig over the past…

Clothes for Misty

Underwear-clad Misty Misty, the character that I’ve been working on for my first Synfig animation, has been only dressed in under garments since her inception….

Love Interest for Misty

Stanly Cumberbun is the new character on the block So with all the work  on Misty, I thought that I can’t be the only man…

Test Lip-Sync

Giving Misty a voice Yesterday morning I thought it would be fun to test the mouths that I recently created for Misty. I tried to…

Charting a Path

Progress! So Misty is finally getting her facial expressions together. I still need to work on the body, hand and feet charts, but she’s getting…

New Character Design

Misty needs a nemesis—enter Kitty Nikkers While I’ve been working on the different mouth charts for Misty—which I need to post—I started to think of…

Misty Turns the Other Cheek

After spending the past week working on how to make libraries in Synfig, I finally was able to start working on all the different body…

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