A premium Yiynova stylus

One of my previous blog posts helped set Yiynova on a path to create Linux drivers. As a “thank you,” they sent me their new premium stylus. Having Yiynova turn around Linux drivers in just a few weeks, was all the gift I needed. Now I’m able to use an affordable tablet monitor on all my favorite open-source software without being tied to Wacom, Apple, and Windows. The premium stylus is just icing on the cake.

The big question

So how is it? The stylus is sturdier than the pen that came with my Yiynova monitor tablet. It’s made of a matte plastic that’s more comfortable to use. Personally, I suffer from greasy hands. Since my original stylus had a slicker feel, it tended to slip a little in my hand. Occasionally wiping my hand on my jeans would solve the problem easily. With the new stylus, my finger grease doesn’t pose an issue. The texture of the new stylus is noticeably nicer.

Comparison shot of the original (top) and premium (bottom) styli. The premium shape fits in my hand much better and prevents me from accidentally pressing the rocker button.
Comparison shot of the original (top) and premium (bottom) styli. The premium shape fits in my hand much better and prevents me from accidentally pressing the rocker button.

The only real issue that I had with the original stylus was that the rocker button was too close to the tip of the pen. When I used the stylus, my finger rested too close to the rocker button and I found myself accidentally pressing it. The prremium stylus’ rocker button sits further back and there’s a raised finger rest, fixing my unexpected button pushing.

Like the original stylus, the premium version is battery powered. It takes a AAA battery. The battery casing is a tight fit on the pro pen. To remove the battery on the pro stylus, it would take a little bit of shaking and possibly a handy pair of tweezers.

The pro pen works great! . It’s nib feels a less springy to me. I’ve been playing with the pen in Krita for the past two days and it really feels like an improvement. For people that are interested in purchasing a Yiynova premium stylus, you can buy it on Amazon for $50USD.

Big props

Thanks again to Yiynova for being such a great company. Their responsiveness to artists that use their products is unparalleled and larger companies should really take note of their customer support and service.

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