
Tag: illustration

Getting to know Timothée Giet: Krita instructor extraodinaire

Earlier this week, I purchased the Secrets of Krita, a new series of training videos available on the Krita site. Buying the DVD is a great way…

Living with less Wacom

Wacom is the ultimate company for tablets. I’ve been using them almost exclusively for over twenty years. Their dominance in the tablet industry is directly…

Fridays with Ricardo

A couple of weeks ago I saw an advertisement for an event on Google Plus. It was for an animation workshop using open-source software presented…

Adobe Offsetting: January 2014

I’m right at the wire, but I got my donation in for January. I ultimately decided to give money to Inkscape™. It’s one of the best…

Inkpad is a free Illustrator on-the-go

There are many art apps in the iPad store. Lots of them are great beginnings, but they’re either gimmicky or you can’t figure out how…

A significant Synfig setback

Did you ever do something stupid like drive your car for two weeks with the emergency brake on without realizing it, resulting in a damaged…

Mischief maker

A great friend and unstoppable artist, Heather Larkin, was G-chatting with me on Wednesday and mentioned new drawing software for the Mac and PC called…

Drawing for Maggie

A close and wonderful friend is starting her first Etsy site and it was my pleasure to help her out and create some illustrations and…

Never Boring with Bohr

Recently, I’ve been busy doing illustration work for my day job at Science News and for friends and their pet projects. All-in-all it’s been a…

Clothing Ideas for Misty

In between working on Misty’s new feet and poses over the past weekend. I started trying out different clothing options for Misty. The cover up…

Amnon and Tamar: Day Three

Last month I went to the National Gallery of Art for the third day of painting Amnon and Tamar. By the end of the session…

Amnon and Tamar: Part II

Today I had the afternoon off, so I thought I would go down to the National Gallery and spend a couple of hours working on…

Clothes for Misty

Underwear-clad Misty Misty, the character that I’ve been working on for my first Synfig animation, has been only dressed in under garments since her inception….

Love Interest for Misty

Stanly Cumberbun is the new character on the block So with all the work  on Misty, I thought that I can’t be the only man…

Misty Turns the Other Cheek

After spending the past week working on how to make libraries in Synfig, I finally was able to start working on all the different body…

iPad + ArtRage + Script

Better Vimeo Example Yesterday I posted an old video of capturing an ArtRage script on my computer that I created while working on the iPad….

ArtRage: Recording and Running a Script

In ArtRage you can run a script while you are painting. This records every brush stroke and gives you the ability work small (iPad) and…

ArtRage+iPad Painting Progress

An ArtRage Painting Slowly Evolving Here’s current progress of an ArtRage painting I’ve been working on for my friend Elizabeth. She fell in love with…

Artwork From a Student

A Thomas Frye original! Over the past school year I’ve been adjunct teaching at Northern Virginia Community College. I had two students who were repeat…

New ArtRage Illustration for My Website

Finally Getting There I’ve been sitting on this illustration and stalling my site for some time. I’m finally starting to find some time to…


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