Alupen Digital Coupon
I tried to see if I could get a Alupen Digital Stylus before its release for review, but came up short. A representative from Just Mobile responded to me quickly and was very nice—letting me know that they’ve had many requests and unfortunately cannot fulfill everyone and remain a profitable company. The Alupen Digital is a great answer to ditching your rubber tipped stylus for iPad, using technology that makes your stylus feel more like a Wacom.

By purchasing the stylus from their site, I asked if I could get it before the end-of-September drop date in order to review it on my blog. Again, I received a speedy response informing me that they cannot guarantee sending a stylus before their public release date, but if I get in the cue now, I’ll be one of the first to receive the pen when it’s available. She also noted that they will be selling the pen at participating Microcenters.
Since I have two Microcenters within a short driving distance from my house, I thought that it might be easier just to wait and pick it up at the store. But since my correspondence with Just Mobile, I of course have been checking their site daily to see if any info changed regarding availability.
Last Thursday when I went to their site, I got a pop-up add asking if I wanted to receive their newsletter. The great part of signing up for the newsletter is that you get a coupon for 20% off on purchases on their site.

This made my decision easy. I signed up for the newsletter; got the 20% off reward; and purchased the stylus from the Just Mobile site for only $55USD. It was a good deal. And for those interested in purchasing the Alupen Digital, it’s saves you about $10USD in shipping and handling.