
Tag: software

A significant Synfig setback

Did you ever do something stupid like drive your car for two weeks with the emergency brake on without realizing it, resulting in a damaged…

Animation Desk

There are some terrific apps made for the iPad and Android tablets. Many software companies aren’t rushing to create viable software options on tablets for…

Mischief maker

A great friend and unstoppable artist, Heather Larkin, was G-chatting with me on Wednesday and mentioned new drawing software for the Mac and PC called…

Donating to open source is donating to your future

The best incentive for giving is getting something in return. In the past year there has been a real surge around open-source software development. Sites…

Sometimes photoshop IS a verb

Recently I was given the task of creating a conceptual representation of microglia. Microglia are like little obsessive cleaners and guardians in your brain. They…

New feet and hands for Misty

Today I made some headway and was able to finish Misty’s hand positions for her front view. I think that I’ll be able to reuse…

Understanding Z Depth in Synfig

It’s been a while since writing an entry or working in Synfig, and now I’m back doing both. I missed using Synfig over the past…

Misty Turns the Other Cheek

After spending the past week working on how to make libraries in Synfig, I finally was able to start working on all the different body…

Thumbalina: My Cut-Out Character for Synfig

Today I reviewed how to create a cut-out character for Synfig and created Thumbalina to explain the process. In the next couple days I’ll be…

Notes for Cut-Out Animation Step-by-Step

I actually found these notes I created in 2010 for creating a cut-out character taken from the tutorial on the Synfig site. I’ll read and…

Excited About New Sketches

I’m nervous about relearning Synfig. I know that it probably won’t take long to get back up to speed, but I know how much time…

Mouth Chart: Added Mouths

Here is the front view of Misty now finished up for mouths. I’ll be working on a three-quarter view next. I have to also start…


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