Finally, an iPad stylus that works

Yesterday, I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I came across a review for a new iPad stylus by Zach Epstein for BGR. In the post, the reviewer admits that most iPad accessories are junk and that he’s reluctant to even waste his time trying new gadgets and gizmos, knowing ultimately what the feable outcome will be.

Zach says that this is especially true of the large glut of styli in the market. Their big, cluncky rubber heads and poor performance are a far cry from the actual stylus offered on the Galaxy Tab and Surface. This was until he was introduced to the new Alupen Digital stylus, made by Just Mobile.

Our new great hope for a working stylus for iPad
Our new great hope for a working stylus for iPad

For the rest of the review he goes on to sing the praises of the stylus, claiming that there’s nothing else like it on the market for an amazing price point of only $50.

What sets the Alupen Digital apart

The unique quality that makes the Alupen Digital stylus stand out from its competitors is the pairing of the technology with the type of stylus nib. The pen uses a battery to give enough of a charge to the stylus nib, enabling detection on the iPad even though the actual size of the nib is only 1.8mm wide—much smaller than anyone’s finger. There are other recent styli that offer this same battery enabled technology, but the fact that Alupen chose a hard plastic nib similar to a Wacom pen over a rubber tipped solution gives it a definite edge.

Simple but effect battery=powered technology
Simple but effect battery=powered technology

Another great feature of the Alupen Digital stylus is the fact that you don’t need to use proprietary apps, bluetooth, or more recent iPad technology. This pen works in any program and on any i-device.

After I read this review, I started to search for other reviews and they all said the same thing. This stylus seems to be the device that we’ve all been dreaming about for so long.

Disappointment time for Apple, again

I’ve been waiting for Apple to do the right thing for years and introduce a stylus that would accompany iPads like other tablets in the market. For some reason, Mr. Jobs was convinced in the utility of the finger and didn’t want to compromise, making something that was stylus enabled. Maybe the stylus gave him flashbacks of his failure with the Newton. Whatever his reasoning was, he obviously never tried to paint something with his finger or draw detailed lines with his finger over using a pen.

Apple was built and supported by the creative market through the good and lean times. We’ve been waiting for them to support us in return, but at ever turn recently, they have been distancing themselves from the same market. Whether it’s killing professional software development like Final Cut Pro, Shake, and Aperture or taking years to innovate and create new pro products, Apple has made it known through its words and actions that its main priority is to their i-consumer public. They’ve always been good at selling a sexy closed ecosystem that’s difficult to get out of once you enter, but now their energies are honed on Target shoppers rather than creative professionals.

The day is near

It’s sad that it took this long to finally have an ‘ah-ha’ break-thru with a stylus that actually works on the iPad, but it’s good to know that it’s finally here. I only wish that Apple would have listen to artists and introduced something a solution. With all the styli on the market, it would have been an opportunity for Apple to come in and create a solution that’s not only beautiful, but works well. Instead, they have maintained that there are Apple products were not intended to be used with styli, even though you sign your receipt at the Apple store with a stylus when checking out.

I’m looking forward to getting an Alupen Digital stylus. The only downside that I read about was that it didn’t have pressure sensitivity. Currently, I use a Wacom Bamboo exclusively for drawing and Nomad brushes for painting on my iPad. Neither has pressure sensitivity and I’m okay with that. I would love to have an experience that’s more similar to using a traditional Wacom device instead of experiencing the friction of a rubber-tipped stylus.

This stylus is what my dreams are made of
This stylus is what my dreams are made of

What makes me happiest about this news is that after four years of using my iPad daily, I can breath new life into it and potentially use it for four more. Like others, I’ve been watching other devices like the Surface or Galaxy Tab, waiting for the right moment to make the jump. With this new stylus, it looks like I can hold off on any new tablet purchase and keep working with my old, trusty iPad2.

Thank you in advance, Joint Mobile, for making something that gives me hope for a wonderful drawing experience on my iPad.


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