New feet and hands for Misty
Today I made some headway and was able to finish Misty’s hand positions for her front view. I think that I’ll be able to reuse the hands for other views of Misty. Make the different hands actually didn’t take very long. While I was working on Misty’s hands, I also took a crack at redoing her feet. I thought that they were kind of big and clunky so I shrank them a wee bit.

Making the hands
1 Using MyPaint & Gimp
I imported a screen capture of Misty into MyPaint to use as reference while I drew her hand positions on individual layers. When I was finished drawing all the hand positions, I opened the MyPaint file in Gimp and cropped and saved each hand position independently.

2 drafting each hand
Next, I imported all the images into Synfig and drafted each hand position and attaching each to the skeleton hierarchy.

New foot-binding techniques
Over the past couple months while working on Misty, I started noticing that her feet were looking a little horsey. I wanted to give a little less emphasis on her feet and reduce them a size or two. Since I was working on different foot positions for different legs, it made sense to work on them.

The hands are great! And the new version of her feet look so much cuter and suit her more (: