Charting a Path


So Misty is finally getting her facial expressions together. I still need to work on the body, hand and feet charts, but she’s getting close to being complete.

Mouth chart (front)
Mouth chart (front)
Mouth chart 3/4
Mouth chart 3/4
Eye charts
Eye charts
Eyebrow charts
Eyebrow charts

Layout software troubles

I have been trying to make everything in open-source software, but I think I may be hitting the wall. After I collected all of the screenshots, I started to create the charts in Scribus. Scribus is a page layout program, kind of like Adobe InDesign–kind of. It’s more like trying to use pagemaker circa 1997. The program crashes often and the features are all nested in menus and crazy dialogue boxes. If I want to keep moving this project further, I’m going to have to use some Adobe programs. It’s a shame, because I really wanted to try to completely stay open source. I tried opening the PDF that I created in Photoshop and it kept crashing. Sigh. Maybe they just don’t play well together… That’s fine, Gimp is always available:)

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