Gitting New Things Daily

Today I downloaded files from Lungching that he created illustrating Synfig libraries. They were a great help for me and I highly encourage those of you that are trying to use Synfig to check them out. While downloading, I noticed that he was posting them on GitHub and I felt left out by not knowing about this site/service.

Basically, it’s a great site that you can use for free to collaborate on files. For it to be free, you have to make the access available to the public. This suits my needs since I’m trying to share what I’m learning about Synfig.

It took a while to get it up and running and get a handle on using the terminal commands. Using the cheat sheet really was a big help. I think it’s a great tool. Normally, I share files with Dropbox, but then people have to sign up in order to access them. This is a much more direct way to have people grab files without having to commit to anything.

Definitely try it out for your own work. And thanks Lungching! If an artist can twiddle in the terminal, anyone can do it! And who can deny that sweet octocat mascot:)

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  1. And if you do have a github account, you can fork the synfig project, make your changes, then submit a pull request. The user of the original can then decide to keep it or not. It’s a great way of working with a group on a project. And if you totally mess up your animation and don’t know or don’t have the time to put it back right you can always revert to an older copy (the more commits you make, the better). Though, it was designed for code so normally you can easily look at diffs between text files. It’s a little bit weird working with sifz files but it’s still useful.


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