
Tag: Inkscape

Making enamel pins with mostly-free software

This month I made my first set of pins that are based on an illustration from my upcoming coloring book. I picked one of the…

How I developed an infographic and didn’t get MERS from a camel

Infographics are a tricky thing. A lot of work goes into looking at data and figuring out how best to tell your narrative visually. The…

Yiynova monitor tablet works on Linux

Sometimes the second time is the charm. Last Friday my friend Mike (@lungching) came over to the house to help me install the Yiynova monitor…

Fridays with Ricardo

A couple of weeks ago I saw an advertisement for an event on Google Plus. It was for an animation workshop using open-source software presented…

Inkscape and Gimp take the spotlight

A few days ago I decided to start make an official break with Adobe in my personal life and work in open source software and…

Adobe Offsetting: January 2014

I’m right at the wire, but I got my donation in for January. I ultimately decided to give money to Inkscape™. It’s one of the best…

Inkpad is a free Illustrator on-the-go

There are many art apps in the iPad store. Lots of them are great beginnings, but they’re either gimmicky or you can’t figure out how…

Drawing for Maggie

A close and wonderful friend is starting her first Etsy site and it was my pleasure to help her out and create some illustrations and…

Never Boring with Bohr

Recently, I’ve been busy doing illustration work for my day job at Science News and for friends and their pet projects. All-in-all it’s been a…

An Example of ArtRage + Illustrator Live Trace

Here is an example for the post that I just wrote on transforming your hand drawn line art to vector art. For this Illustration, I used the…

iPad + ArtRage + Inkscape = Creating Hand-Drawn Type

Hand-Drawn Vector Art Sometime creating vector art can look too mechanical and computerized. It’s nice to create resolution-independent art that feels like it was hand…

Spiro Mode in Inkscape Makes a Perfect Curve

If you ever tried to make a perfect curve in Illustrator, this post is for you I definitely don’t mean to be so negative about…

Bitmap Tracing (live trace) With Inkscape

Tracing in Inkscape In my previous post, I compared the tracing capabilities of Inkscape and Illustrator. With CS6 being released this week, I think it’s…

Adobe Illustrator Live Trace Vs. Inkscape Trace Bitmap

Tracing Images Tracing bitmaps in a vector program like Illustrator or Inkscape can give mixed results. To ensure a good outcome, remember to trace from…

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