
Category: Open Source Goodies

A significant Synfig setback

Did you ever do something stupid like drive your car for two weeks with the emergency brake on without realizing it, resulting in a damaged…

Donating to open source is donating to your future

The best incentive for giving is getting something in return. In the past year there has been a real surge around open-source software development. Sites…

Misty and MyPaint

While I was working on all of Misty’s different poses in Synfig, I got sidetracked and started playing in a sweet open source painting program…

Misty Turns the Other Cheek

After spending the past week working on how to make libraries in Synfig, I finally was able to start working on all the different body…

Synfig on a Mac?

Chocolate in My Peanut Butter! Okay, for the past few years I’ve been trying to learn Synfig in fits and spurts—working on my wonderful Ubuntu…

iPad + ArtRage + Inkscape = Creating Hand-Drawn Type

Hand-Drawn Vector Art Sometime creating vector art can look too mechanical and computerized. It’s nice to create resolution-independent art that feels like it was hand…

Spiro Mode in Inkscape Makes a Perfect Curve

If you ever tried to make a perfect curve in Illustrator, this post is for you I definitely don’t mean to be so negative about…

Bitmap Tracing (live trace) With Inkscape

Tracing in Inkscape In my previous post, I compared the tracing capabilities of Inkscape and Illustrator. With CS6 being released this week, I think it’s…

Adobe Illustrator Live Trace Vs. Inkscape Trace Bitmap

Tracing Images Tracing bitmaps in a vector program like Illustrator or Inkscape can give mixed results. To ensure a good outcome, remember to trace from…

Synfig and Advanced Outlines

New and Improved This is a product innovation that can be described as “new and improved.” For anyone who has ever longed for easily creating…

Gitting New Things Daily

Today I downloaded files from Lungching that he created illustrating Synfig libraries. They were a great help for me and I highly encourage those of…


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