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The Pipes, The Pipes Are Calling

More Than Just a Metaphor

Today on one of my last morning walks on the beach, I took my camera to take pictures of typography for a new “Segtsy” logo that I’m creating. After I snapped some pictures on the boardwalk, I started my regular morning routine of walking along the beach. For the past week while on vacation I’ve been dealing with thoughts of creating new opportunities and branching out into new directions. The time that I was to spend at the beach was supposed to be spent planning my next incarnation. Sufficed to say, I spent more time eating food that I shouldn’t be eating and hours re-watching wonderfully bad cinema.

Today as I was walking, it was almost completely vacant as usual with one exception. In the distance I heard a faint noise that I just couldn’t place. At first, I thought it was me going a little crazy because the noise faintly sounded like bagpipes. As the noise got louder, I noticed a man in the distance who looked as if he was in a stance that would require a little bagpipe serenading. As I got closer I saw that my hunch was correct. Here was a man with a long beard and skin tight biker pants walking down the beach towards me.

More Bagpipe

I’m not big on signs coming from some astral force, but this one definitely needs to be considered. When I was in college, I noticed that good luck would be bestowed upon me when I encountered someone with a missing appendage. I kind of blame that finding over many hours of watching David Lynch in the early 90s. This was a little different. It was truly odd and came right after a long discussion last night. And I have to say that of all the time on the beach, I have never run into an individual hitting the pipes. I’m optomistic in thinking that if this is more of a herald than a harbinger. I guess only time will tell.

This week I received my copyist application for the National Gallery of Art. I’m looking forward to printing it out and beginning the new journey. Maybe Mister Pipes is telling me to follow my dreams. Either that or his wife want him to practice his obnoxious talent far from where they live.

Mister Pipes Approaching
A Vision WIthout the Vision Quest

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