Final Composite

An Example of ArtRage + Illustrator Live Trace

Here is an example for the post that I just wrote on transforming your hand drawn line art to vector art. For this Illustration, I used the Modbook, ArtRage, and Illustrator. Through making this art, I learned that the larger you make your file, the better the auto (live) trace. If you want to create your image with the ArtRage App and your iPad, remember to create the largest canvas you can. Currently for iPad 2 and 3 users, the maximum canvas size is 2048 x 2048.

Digital Art Created in ArtRage and Transformed to Vectors in Illustrator

Line Art From ArtRage Converted to Vector (Click image to enlarge.)
Line Art From ArtRage Converted to Vector (Click image to enlarge.)

Separate Color Layers in Illustrator

Coloring in Illustrator (Click image to enlarge.)
Coloring in Illustrator (Click image to enlarge.)

Final Composite of All Layers

Final Composite (Click image to enlarge.)
Final Composite (Click image to enlarge.)
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