Krita funds 2016 Kickstarter and releases Krita 3.0 this week

June is off to a big month for Krita. Earlier this week, they announced their Kickstarter exceeded funding with two additional stretch goals. As of Friday, June 3, there are four more days for the campaign and more stretch goals could be acquired by the end of their fundraising sprint. The focus for this year’s development will be SVG support, giving artists more options when importing vector art from other programs like Illustrator and Inkscape.

The Kickstarter isn’t over yet. Click on the image above and consider giving money to the 2016 campaign to bring SVGs to Krita.

New and improved Krita!

Krita also has announced to release of the third installment of their software. The improvements were mainly a result of their 2015 Kickstarter funding. It’s nice to see that Krita has maintained its level of commitment from their community this year with another successful Kickstarter campaign under their belt.

Two big features in 3.0 are animation tools and increasing Krita’s speed to compete with the industry standard, Photoshop. There are lots of other improvements that you can read about in Krita’s release notes. Download Krita 3.0 and check it out for yourself.

Animation is just one of the MANY new features in Krita 3.0. Click on the image to see the full list of feature improvements. Image courtesy of Krita

Apple support

Mac users are close to having a stable version of Krita for their OS, but it won’t be available until 3.1. Until then, people using Mac can download the 3.0 version of the software, but may need to turn off OpenGL in their preference to get Krita to work properly. Since there are still know bugs for Mac, remember to save often when testing it out.

Kickstarter’s not over, yet

If you use Krita, consider showing your support and give to 2016’s Kickstarter. We wouldn’t have been blessed with all the improvements in Krita 3.0 if it wasn’t for the generous support of the Krita community in 2015 and platforms like Kickstarter for fundraising. Every dollar counts and supporting Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) only encourages more developers to bring their ideas and software to the open source community.


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