Misty on a Mac!

Synfig on a Mac?

Chocolate in My Peanut Butter!

Synfig on Mac
Synfig on Mac

Okay, for the past few years I’ve been trying to learn Synfig in fits and spurts—working on my wonderful Ubuntu laptop. Teaching classes, clients and contracts all have been taking a front seat to learning and using Synfig. I want to attempt to post something weekly that I’ve accomplished or completed using the incredible software. In order to streamline the process, I’ve decided to bite the bullet and download the new build for Mac. Once I get up to speed, I can always switch back to Linux. Now with it all on one system I can learn, do and blog. Wish me luck and if you haven’t downloaded Synfig for yourself to try, I highly encourage it. It comes in every flavor from Windows to Mac to Linux. Pick your poison here. This weekend I’m going to delve back into libraries and building an animated character. More to come!

Misty on a Mac!
Misty on a Mac!


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